Following the prompt... Collective Grace

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'Dream big, let faith rise' I made this for one of our pastors and I have been clinging to it as we enter into this holiday season. 

Do you have people in your life that push you just a little further than you would typically go on your own? You know, the friend who you tell about an idea and they keep asking you about how you're doing with that idea... or you tell them about a struggle and they ask you what you're doing to fix it... These are my Proverbs 27:17 friends "iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." These friends make me better and I'm so very thankful for them (not going to lie sometimes it'd be easier if they didn't push, call me out, or tell me I'm ridiculous, but that'd be boring) These are the people that make life just a little more 'full of life' and I am so very thankful for them. I pray that you all have some friends like these, they're keepers! 

So, for the past couple years my friend Rachel and I have talked about what it could look like to open an 'occasional shop'... Last year we hosted a handmade Christmas event which was amazing. So, this year we decided to push further and take on a full retail space! Are we crazy? Possibly. Is this the busiest time of the year for our business? Absolutely. Should we have given ourselves more than 2 months to pull this together? Probably. But... the doors and opportunities have opened themselves up. Our favorite makers have said yes to joining us. And we feel God has called us to say, yes to this adventure. So, we're going on it!

Our shop is called, Collective Grace and we will be open in Downtown Lakeville, MN from November 30 - December 2. Our goal is to support the makers this holiday season, to promote shopping locally & handmade. So, of course our shop will be filled with all of that goodness - handmade & vintage home decor and gifts. We will have everything to turn your house into a home this Christmas season and will help you check off everyone on your shopping list.

We're dreaming big and letting our faith rise as we go on this adventure. I hope you'll come along with us! 

Love, allison 



Be Brave.


Keep it simple. Life is good.