Following the prompt... Romania?!

You guys I feel like I have just come up for a breath, for the first time in the last 4 months. Do you ever feel that way? Like you've just been running on auto pilot, trying to stay focused on the to do's, trying to stay intentional with priorities, running on tunnel vision getting from one place to the next, while trying not to forget to pick up a child somewhere along the way...

Last week I started reading a fiction book... have been playing game after game with the kiddos... started some small house projects... picked up the phone and caught up with some good old friends... and it's from talking to these friends that I realized I haven't shared with many of you that I'm going on my first mission trip in April to Romania. 

It's one of those things that God lined up so beautifully and I wasn't looking for it. I just love the way our lives are orchestrated and how following God's prompts can be such an adventure and honestly you never know what he has in store for you. He has more in store for us than we could ever imagine - it makes my heart happy.

So, for the last few years I've had my heart set on getting back to the beautiful country of India for a mission trip. For those of you who don't know I used to travel there for work but haven't been for 9 years... and I long to be there again to see those beautiful people and immerse myself in their fragrant, colorful, passionate lives. But, last fall my friend called and I asked her if she signed up for her mission trip to Romania that she was planning to go on. She said, 'no'. After what I felt like was me lecturing her on all of the reasons she should be going on this mission trip, I got off the phone and realized I was being called to be on this trip. She came over to visit that night and I asked her if she signed up yet, she said 'yes!' And my reply was, 'awesome I'm going with you!'

Do you ever have those moments when you just hear the Lord so clearly speaking to you? I don't know if it's age or I have a deeper relationship with God, but in the last year I have heard him speak louder than ever before. So, I signed up and off I'm going in less than 50 days to Romania! We'll be in Bucharest working with a missionary who's mission is to help Romanians become entrepreneurs and helping them use their resources to educate Romanians about sex trafficking. I don't know exactly what it will look like, but what I do know is that God is good and faithful and has a plan for us all - from here in MN to across the globe in Romania and everywhere in between. He has a plan, hopes and dreams for each and everyone of us. You guys just grab on to it, listen for his prompts and don't be afraid to follow them, it will be good! 

So with all of that I am humbly asking for prayer - for my family while I'm gone, for safety for our group traveling and for us all to be obedient to God's prompts as we travel across the globe to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

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Thank You!

Hope you're all having a wonderful week - time to get back to painting! -allison


The official sign of summer!


Dear 2017