Ideas & Inspiration 


Inspiration…it’s fleeting and funny to pinpoint. It can come on with little warning and in the most random of places.  It requires little more than an openness and giving over of oneself to your subconscious…acting on what I believe is God’s guidance. 

Nearly every day I come across customers curious to know how I choose which words to paint on my signs. My answers are never the same, but they always have a common thread: that I allow myself to be open to God’s divine whisperings in order to send people messages that they need at certain moments in their lives. 

Sometimes God’s message comes to me in obvious ways that require little effort of opening my subconscious…it’s more like opening the Messenger app on my iPhone. Almost daily I get messages from you, my valued customers, seeking my help in taking a beloved verse or quote, and making it fit a certain color scheme or bare space in your home.  I always love these projects, as they challenge my creativity so I can turn these mere words/ ideas of yours into a physical object that represents you and your life and will stand the test of time on the walls of your homes. 

Other times God taps me on the shoulder through the voice of my pastor or the worship music on Sunday mornings at River Valley Church.  Each Sunday I sit in awe as our worship team and pastors are able to take God's word and turn it into a story that we can relate to and apply God's truth to our everyday lives. Many times I will find myself absentmindedly painting God's words that were spoken over us on Sunday or that I felt pulled to in my morning devotions.

Most recently, God’s inspiration came, as it so often does, in the presence of my children. The kiddos and I were snuggled together on the couch watching Wonder,  If you are a parent, caregiver, or just a human in general, you need to see this movie. It's a story of strength, courage, perseverance, relationships, heartache, struggle, all the things that life is - but the most important lesson comes from Mr. Brown’s September precept: Choose Kind. ("When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. ) And I was inspired  - life can get super complicated sometimes, but it doesn't need to be. As God's followers it is clear we are called to treat each other with fairness and kindness - lets not overcomplicate this.

Inspiration…it strikes at random, unannounced times.  But when you allow yourself to be open and receptive to God’s little clues, you’ll see inspiration everywhere in your life. 

Over the past 9 years being in this business I have met some of the most amazing and inspirational women. So I'm super excited to start sharing their stories with you here on our blog. Next week we will begin our monthly 'women who inspire' series. You'll get to hear from some of the most amazing God honoring women that I know, so stay tuned, be encouraged, be obedient and let God lead you on this journey through life. 

Xoxo, allison




Why the 'Women Who Inspire' Series?


A heart of gratitude