The beauty of seasons

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Anyone else thankful for the changing of seasons? The physical changes in weather that we get to experience in the midwest is always breath taking - especially right now when there’s still 3 feet of snow in our backyard… but to hear the cardinals singing and to feel the warmth of sunshine on my face are sure signs that God will be blessing us soon with Spring. I think about all the flowers and grass under these mounds of snow that are just waiting to emerge and show off all their simple beauty, it’s hard to believe this frozen tundra can produce so much beauty.

I was reminded this weekend (while shopping at Target…) of the season of living in a fog with 3 kiddos, 3 & under. I started to mourn holding on to that sweet little new babe, corralling the other two, snuggling them in on my lap to read & felt a surge of sadness (the sadness that I’m reminded of as I sob in the corner of a Starbucks - all by myself - goodness gracious) But then I think about how during that fog of life I dreamt about the days when they’d be off to school and I’d be able to go to my beloved Target & Starbucks by myself. So as I reflect on the days that have passed and plan for the days to come I am reminded that every season has beauty and every season has struggle, one always outweighs the other and we’re left with memories that tend to lean one way or the other. Let’s put on our rose colored glasses and find the beauty.

With all of that I’m reminded the Lord works on us just as He is working on every other detail of this world He has created. So for whatever season we’re in, He wants us to bloom. He doesn’t want us to sit in the corner of Starbucks and wallow in the what used to be. Honestly I came here to do some brainstorming and computer work… I wasn’t planning to type on my long lost blog, but as soon as I opened my computer I felt the prompt. So here’s to finding the beauty in whatever season we’re sitting in and bloom.

xoxo -allison


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