allison tetzlaff allison tetzlaff

Ideas & Inspiration 


Inspiration…it’s fleeting and funny to pinpoint. It can come on with little warning and in the most random of places.  It requires little more than an openness and giving over of oneself to your subconscious…acting on what I believe is God’s guidance. 

Nearly every day I come across customers curious to know how I choose which words to paint on my signs. My answers are never the same, but they always have a common thread: that I allow myself to be open to God’s divine whisperings in order to send people messages that they need at certain moments in their lives. 

Sometimes God’s message comes to me in obvious ways that require little effort of opening my subconscious…it’s more like opening the Messenger app on my iPhone. Almost daily I get messages from you, my valued customers, seeking my help in taking a beloved verse or quote, and making it fit a certain color scheme or bare space in your home.  I always love these projects, as they challenge my creativity so I can turn these mere words/ ideas of yours into a physical object that represents you and your life and will stand the test of time on the walls of your homes. 

Other times God taps me on the shoulder through the voice of my pastor or the worship music on Sunday mornings at River Valley Church.  Each Sunday I sit in awe as our worship team and pastors are able to take God's word and turn it into a story that we can relate to and apply God's truth to our everyday lives. Many times I will find myself absentmindedly painting God's words that were spoken over us on Sunday or that I felt pulled to in my morning devotions.

Most recently, God’s inspiration came, as it so often does, in the presence of my children. The kiddos and I were snuggled together on the couch watching Wonder,  If you are a parent, caregiver, or just a human in general, you need to see this movie. It's a story of strength, courage, perseverance, relationships, heartache, struggle, all the things that life is - but the most important lesson comes from Mr. Brown’s September precept: Choose Kind. ("When given the choice between being right or being kind, choose kind. ) And I was inspired  - life can get super complicated sometimes, but it doesn't need to be. As God's followers it is clear we are called to treat each other with fairness and kindness - lets not overcomplicate this.

Inspiration…it strikes at random, unannounced times.  But when you allow yourself to be open and receptive to God’s little clues, you’ll see inspiration everywhere in your life. 

Over the past 9 years being in this business I have met some of the most amazing and inspirational women. So I'm super excited to start sharing their stories with you here on our blog. Next week we will begin our monthly 'women who inspire' series. You'll get to hear from some of the most amazing God honoring women that I know, so stay tuned, be encouraged, be obedient and let God lead you on this journey through life. 

Xoxo, allison



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allison tetzlaff allison tetzlaff

A heart of gratitude

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As I sit here at the kitchen table of my parents' lake house - I sit in silence overwhelmed by gratitude. Gratitude of my upbringing, my family, my friends, my health, my blessings. I am blessed. It is my kiddos spring break this week so the girls and I headed to Iowa for a few days. I did not realize how much I needed to be filled up and how this place and these people do that for me.

I took a little drive yesterday to visit a dear friend - you know that friend who knows your heart and soul, lives 5 hours away but calls at exactly the right time because she just knows when your soul is weary and needs a lending ear. We had 2.5 hours together and I instantly felt filled up - she is a blessing.

As I drove off to my next adventure to meet up with my forever friends (aka 'the fab 4' - dubbed by our parents) for a night of reminiscing and laughter I drove by the church I'd go to with my grandparents on Sundays. I was flooded with this overwhelming joy of all the drives over to their house. Oh how I miss my grandma's smile but I am so thankful for all the sweet memories of playing game after game of Scrabble, digging through cook books to find just the right recipe to try, and watching grandpa sit at the dining room table with dictionary in hand working on the day's crossword puzzle. Joy, simple joy - I am Thankful.

As I drove on and pulled into the lake community where my Grandpa Goldsmith would spend his summers - I remembered the anticipation of pulling in and seeing which cousins had arrived.... would Grandma Rosemary have her french silk pie... would I get to sit on grandpa's lap and drive the pontoon... would we get to stop and jump on the water trampoline at Freddy's Beach... would there be marshmallows for roasting when we got back.... all of the excitement of what the long summer day at grandpa's cabin would hold. It was always good, always - I am Grateful.

My parents have since built a 'cottage' where grandpa's cabin once stood, and that is where I sit, at the kitchen table, in silence, by myself, overlooking the stillness of the lake thinking about how truly blessed I am. The 'fab 4' have left - we chatted about life, our joys, our struggles, our dreams, our hopes for our kiddos, our worries and of course took some walks down memory lane. My cup has been filled - I am Blessed.

What I'm left with as I get ready to pack up and head home is knowing each and every one of us that is doing life... has something... my life is far from perfect... and I'm going to guess yours is too... and that my friends is OK. Because if we're doing life right, we are loving big (and sometimes that means hurting big), dreaming big (and sometimes that means failing big), praying big (which sometimes brings disappointment that God's timing doesn't align with ours), working hard (which means you may be growing weary). But a heart of gratitude changes everything - I am thankful, grateful and blessed.

xoxo, allison 


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allison tetzlaff allison tetzlaff

Renovation & Renewal

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Please, fellow moms, tell me I’m not the only one.   

I can’t be the only one whose house needs to get “aired out” and let a warm breeze whip through my screens. Tell me I’m not the only one feeling the urge to add pops of greens and yellows around my house to add a little color to distract me from the gray/white slush of the world outside my window. Please tell me I’m not the only one who cringes when school is cancelled for another 'snow day' because I know my beautiful children will wander around the house proclaiming, 'I'm bored, mom, I'm bored...' because the snow is lovely and fun for a few hours but they can only be cooped up for so long.

In these times when I’m feeling the need for change and something to uplift the heaviness that has settled on my shoulders after the 25th straight week of snow (I’m exaggerating, but seriously), I turn to scripture and one of my favorite verses comes to mind... 'Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me’ Psalm 51:10. God’s in the renovation business. He takes what’s old and broken down and transforms it into something incredible. If you have an area of your life that needs some renewal, He’s more than ready to meet you where you are.

Though I know God is always there for continual guidance and inspiration, I still find myself blown away and humbled by His timing. For putting the right people in my path at opportune times, providing nudges of opportunity for spiritual and personal growth, and simple things like placing beautiful, encouraging words right where I’ll see them.  It was this message I most needed this week as the winter winds circled and whipped around our home. 

I pondered those words, reflected on what my life was in need of renewal, and got down to the business at hand.  From room to room through my home I wandered, gathering knick-knacks and stray children’s socks, dusting and organizing and REFRESHING space after space. From the storage room I drug out the spring decor... and after a few trips to my favorite local home stores... Eye Candy Refind, Mama's Happy & Home Goods (of course) I began to work, time seemed to suspend and I lost myself in the moment.  In the purpose of the job at hand. In the purity of renewal. 

When the moment had passed, and I stood back to assess my work, the scripture passage made its way back into the forefront of my thoughts: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”  

 For the rest of the day, it seemed I was wearing rose-colored glasses.  I had more patience with those beautiful children of mine, my home felt less heavy with clutter and more calming for my soul, my mind was abuzz with creativity and ideas for my next project poured from my mind to the nearest piece of scrap paper I could get my hands on (which after that organizing spree were located right where they were supposed to be!).  God had taken my hand and shown me the way last week.  When I sought his advice, he met me where I was and gave me the spark needed to take matters into my own hands to get things done.  One thing led to another and another, and soon He had renewed not only my physical home, but the home of my steadfast spirit: my mind. 

I encourage you, fellow moms, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed with the piles of kids' artwork and bills and the undone laundry and Christmas décor you meant to stow away weeks ago, to look for small signs and ask God to renew YOUR steadfast spirit.  As the passage reminds us, God is in the renovation business, and he wants to see you build and grow and change and THRIVE through your own strength and actions.  But it’s up to you to take the first step and seek His guidance.  The spirit will lead you, and the afterglow of the moment will leave ready to welcome the next season of your life…or just the next season.  We’ll welcome the warm sunshine and daffodil shoots anytime. 

xoxo, allison



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